


400g        • Pork belly, wash, drain

500g        • Cao Lau (can be replaced by Udon noodles), gently break noodle apart

100g         • Bean sprouts, wash, immerse in boiling water. Drain

200g        • Herbs, wash, drain

4 cloves   • Garlic, peel, mince 

3 tbsp      • Salt

2 tbsp      • Brown sugar

1/2 tbsp  • Chinese five-spice powder, soy sauce

100g        • Crispy cornflakes

01. Coat the pork with salt, brown sugar, Chinese five-spice powder, soy sauce and garlic. Marinate for 1-2h.

Remove pork from marinade, retaining the marinade.

Fry pork in hot oil until brown on both sides. Add the remaining marinade, cover and cook over low heat for 1h.

02. Extract the gravy from the mixture, then cook until pork is cooked through.

Let the pork cool down, then thinly slice.

03. Combine noodles, bean sprouts, pork and vegetables in a serving bowl. Pour the gravy over the noodles. 

Top noodles with chili powder and crispy cornflakes. Serve with chili, soy sauce and lemon.